torstai 23. elokuuta 2012

Chocolate Swiss roll


4 eggs

1½ dl sugar
1 dl potato flour
1/2 dl dark cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder


100g butter or margarine

1 egg
3-4 dl icing sugar

Beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy, add the mixed dry ingredients and fold the dough gently until smooth. Spread the dough on oven pan lined with baking sheet, bake in the oven in the median plane 225 C degrees for about 7 minutes. Turn the ripe cake on  a baking sheet which is covered with granulated sugar.

Whisk together the ingredients for the filling and spread to the cool cake . Wrap the cake onto a roll and put into the refrigerator. At best the next day.

Other filling options:

-whipped cream and a banana (plus one grated apple)

-100g quark, 1 cup whipped cream, crushed chocolate candy or chocolate chips
-quark and cream, berries or sliced fruit

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